
Abishek Nagarajan

Software Engineer at Intel

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About Me

Hello! I'm Abishek Nagarajan, a graduate student in Computer Networking and Telecommunications at Rochester Institute of Technology. My broad interests are in Distributed Systems and Computer Networking. My current research under Professor Miguel Bazdresch involves simulating a Peer-to-peer network in fog/edge nodes.

Professionally, I was a Software Engineer Intern at NALEJ /knowledge/ Corporation, CA - a startup focussed on enabling edge computing to the masses. Prior to that, I worked as a Senior DevOps/Cloud Engineer at Scapic Innovations (now acquired by Flipkart group). At Scapic, I helped setup the cloud infrastructure and handled its scaling and maintenance.


NALEJ /knowledge/ Corp, Menlo Park, CA

Software Engineer Intern

• Developed multiple PoCs including EdgeChromium for edge to cloud (E2C) and C2E data pipelining.

• Developed tool to convert docker-compose.yaml files to organization's proprietary format - the application descriptor.

• Performed QA Audit of product by deploying it to Kubernetes and evaluating complexity of deployment process.

• Assessed multiple storage solutions including Min-io, Rook and Ceph to extend product’s capabilities.

• Assisted in extending capabilities of EdgeAstral, a tool for E2C-C2E data pipelining. Gained hands-on experience with Apache Kafka, gRPC and data serialization using Avro.

• Studied and presented multiple emerging technologies (suitable for edge computing) to engineering team - including Neo4j, Strimzi and Ludwig.

Scapic Innovations, Bangalore, India

Senior DevOps Engineer, DevOps Engineer

• Setup entire production infrastructure on Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud – using Elastic Container Service, Elastic Load Balancer, Cloudfront, Lambda, Kubernetes Engine.

• Setup CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins - with tests running on each commit and continuous delivery offered via a pull-request builder.

• Developed advanced CI/CD tools including an Automatic Pull-Request builder and a Smart time tracker.

• Architected a robust and secure platform for the backend server – with only private (in VPC) access to the database, Redis and ElasticSearch services.

• Generated tags and categorized over 10,000 assets, using Python scripts.

• Assisted in setting up cloud infrastructure for MNCs - including Sony Entertainment and Viacom.

• Developed Terraform scripts for re-building production database.


Data Center Intern

• Developed knowledge and gained hands-on experience with Data Centers.

• Worked on Cisco’s Application Centric Infrastructure (Cisco’s take on Software Defined Networking).


Rochester Institute of Technology, NY

Aug 2019 - May 2021 (expected)

Master of Science in Computer Networking and Telecommunications

Relevant coursework: Network Planning and Design, Advanced Large-scale Computing, Database Design and Implementation, Next Generation Networks, Applied Machine Learning, Telecommunications Concepts.

PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India

Aug 2013 - May 2017

Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering


Project Manager as a Service Bot

Bot that tracks time spent on GitHub tasks, using information received through minimal communication with user. Uses commit history, comments, and labels to achieve this. Technologies used: Threading, scheduling, Redis and Cron jobs.

Pull Request Builder

Developed tool that automatically communicates with GitHub’s API and generates an exact replica of a production-based build, for each Pull Request raised. Written in Python and Bash, it uses an NGINX reverse proxy, pointing to multiple Docker containers. Also supports parallel builds, leveraging Queuing and Threading.

USDZ Converter

Developed from scratch an API that converts any 3D format to Apple’s AR-ready USDZ format. Currently deployed on Kubernetes, it uses a master-slave architecture communicating via Redis pub-sub.

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